Remember when you were little and time seemed to last FOREVER? Or at the very same time hours seemed to last eternities and minutes felt like days? At what point in our lives does time change? I feel like I sit down during nap time then look up at the clock and two hours have flown by, or I'm dinking around the house and all of a sudden it's dinner time. All of this leads to me wondering where the time has gone, how can I get it back or even better, how can I get more of it? I'm sure you're all aware by now that I am not the most organized of people, in fact I think that may be the understatement of the year. My house is cluttered, my clothes are wrinkly and if I arrive someplace on time it's an achievement. I think that may be one cause of my lack of time, I don't know how to organize it (or myself) very well. I can easily spend an afternoon on the internet, browsing a cookbook or reading a novel all while the house sits cluttered. It would only take t...
Thoughts and adventures with my family of three.