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The New Year's List: Grad School

So last night I officially crossed one item off of my New Years To-Do List. I attended the Hamline University's open house for the School of Education's Graduate Programs. It's part of my, "What Do I Want To Do When I Grow Up" process. LN is getting older and I need to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. We may or may not have another child, so either way I want to get a move on and start something for myself. A degree in Anthropology can take you a lot of places, but one place it can't take you is to the Employment section of the newspaper. At least if you're looking for a subsection with it in the title. That leaves one with a host of choices. Too many choices in my opinion and that's why it's taken me this long to decide on my next step.

I started the application process last night.

I'm not sure what the final outcome will be. I'm choosing to wait and make that decision until after I've heard whether or not I've been accepted. No use worrying about something that I, as of yet, still have no control over. So time will tell. I have to ask a few former professors for letters of recommendation and get my transcripts. Apply for Financial Aid. Tell myself again not to freak out because nothing has been decided yet.

I'm excited. And nervous. And apprehensive. And excited. I loved going to school. Passing by the library on campus last night actually made me look forward to going and studying. This time around will be very different. No more going to the library until eleven only to hit up the bars until two. I will be taking one (possibly two) class at a time so I can hopefully focus more on my studies since my focus will be somewhat split. One of the reasons I like this program is that all of their classes are either at night, on the weekend, or online. I can make that schedule work. LN will still be around after all and she does take up a huge portion of my focus.

So, we'll see won't we? I'm delighted that I've made a decision and I'm happy to see where it takes me. Time will tell and then I'll tell you.


  1. Congrats on taking that big first step... and crossing off an item on your New Year's To Do List!

  2. Go Mary!! I think you're amazing to apply and I hope the outcome is a good one for you.

  3. Go Mary! It is overwhelming at first, especially at the FASFA/financial aid stuff, but so worth it. When I was finishing up some final paperwork before starting school so admissions guys asked me if I had housing set up yet. I just looked at him "I'm married w/2 kids. Yah. I have housing". So it is kind of weird to say "I'm a student", but so completely worth it! Plus you are 110% right about LN growing up and wanting to do something w/your own life.

    I'm excited to read about your back to school adventures!!

  4. Thanks guys! It's a big step and we're not sure how we'll manage, but both the Mr. and I think it's an important next step for me. Can't wait to see how it all turns out!

  5. Best of luck! Once you are in, let me know if you need any help with with Little Miss or the program.

  6. Proud of you! I think everyone should take a few years off before college. I am only now figuring out what I want to do.


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