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Snow Day

So it snowed last night. Ha! That even makes me laugh. Why? Well, because it finally snowed the kind of snow that is going to stick around for awhile. Like, until May. (Not really, well, maybe) I'm trying to hunker down and get used to the idea that it's going to be freezing cold for the next three to four months.

In order to really be able to enjoy this stuff I decided to make a list of all the things that are GOOD about snow, cold and most important of all...the Snow Day. This list will become even more important in February when all I can think about is sipping a cocktail with a little umbrella while sitting under an umbrella on the beach. These winters man, they are rough! So although complaining about the cold and the snow is what binds us crazy Mid-Westeners together, here is my list of why I think Snow Days are nice.
  • Shoveling: Is she crazy you ask? No, I just see shoveling as an hour of peace and quiet. I can even turn on the iPod and make things go even faster. Shoveling also makes me sitting on my a*s and not going to the gym just a little bit less guilt inducing.
  • Carb Loading: After all of that slipping, sliding and shoveling that I'm going to be doing I will need to be eating those extra Christmas Cookies and Egg Nog. It also means I can bake to my heart's content and 'not' feel guilty about eating it all up! Plus, a little extra padding is necessary for warmth and protection from falling on your butt.
  • Easy Excuses: Don't feel like going to your in-laws for dinner, it's too cold to take the kids out! Meeting friends for a drink, but all you want to do is stay in your PJ's, drink a glass of wine and watch Buffy? Your car won't start! Late for work/date/dinner? You just had to shovel your car out. The excuses abound this time of year!
  • Using the oven: I try to remember this one when it's four PM and dark outside. Come July/August the last thing I'll want to do is turn the oven on. So all of those breads/cakes/cookies/casseroles/baked goodies that I want to make all summer? Bust them out now because not only do you have the time (who wants to go outside after dark in winter?) but it will also warm up the house and make it smell pretty tasty too.

How do you get through the winter?
Any things that you look forward to this time of year?


  1. White Russians and Colorado Bull dogs are perfect post winter activity beverages.


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