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Where will the wind take us....only the Swiss Government may know...

So as I alluded yesterday there may be some big, bright, shiny new travel plans in my future. Well, mostly the Big Cheese's future, but Little Nib and I will be along for the ride.

You see, it all started in the beginning of June. The BC asked me if he should apply for a job in...Switzerland. Why not, I thought? We've conquered China, why not try something new? Plus, it never hurts to apply for a job, update your resume, practice your interviewing skills, I thought. So what would be the harm? Now imagine our surprise when the BC got a reply the next morning that the company wanted to speak with him, they liked what they saw! So he set up a time to chat and lo and behold, forty-five minutes later he had a job offer. AH! Well now what are we supposed to do?

Dance a jig in the living room and start packing! Right?!?

Full stop. Unfortunately it's not that easy. We knew we would not be on the next plane bound for the land of chocolate, mountains and fondue, but we were hoping that the process would be more efficient than the Chinese one. (You'd think, right? Swiss banks, precision and all?) Well after two and a half months of back and forth, we still do not know what our position is. The BC's documents are in the Swiss government's hands, and we're waiting on their decision as to whether or not we're worthy to come and be Swiss for awhile. We were originally thinking that we would know by Labor Day, however we found out this morning that the officers that handle Immigration and whatnot in the Canton (State) that we're applying to were on vacation. (The Swiss National Day is August 1st).

Oh, tits.

So now we wait. And wait. Maybe we'll know in the middle of September. Maybe the officials will decide to go on a month long trek through the mountains, maybe they'll fall into a stupor from eating too much fondue, maybe they'll let us know next week. We'll just have to wait and see. This may be the most difficult part of the process of moving abroad. Your life is on hold. There are plans to be made for if you stay, or if you go, and neither can come to fruition because of the slim chance that one of them would be the wrong choice.

Once this process unfolds a little more, hopefully soon, and hopefully with the decision that we're going to be Alps bound, I'll start to post about our process. Such things like, how the BC found the job, how he's dealt with interviewing/communicating with the Swiss company, how to research salary/benefits abroad, moving, preparation. Maybe we'll even be lucky enough to hear from the BC himself. As for me, I plan to start telling you how I'm preparing for the move; the actual move (what to keep, how to pack, finding new digs), how we'll prepare LN and information like that. Until then I'll keep posting little bits of this and that. Fun, informational stuff and the random thought I might have.

So as we head on this new adventure I hope you all will join us. We're certainly excited to have you along for the ride.

Questions? Words of Wisdom?
General Comments on the craziness of it all?
I'd love to hear it!


  1. How exciting for you and your family!! My husband and I spent a month in Switzerland and it was AWESOME! It is so beautiful and the people were so nice. Plus it's only a (long, smelly) train ride away from Italy! I hope you guys hear something soon, it's hard having patience for stuff like that!

  2. Been there, done that. It took us nine months to get to Nigeria and Banji's from here. If it's meant to be, it will be. Maybe you are meant to be in MN for now, but if not, they will come a-calling.


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