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My Favorite Holiday Songs

So yesterday I was talking about how the All Holiday, All the Time station on the radio was helping me get into the Holiday spirit. For as many Holiday songs as there are out there, I sure do hear a lot of them over and over again. There are only a few that I don't mind hearing. So without further ado, here is my Top Seven Favorite Holiday song list.

Top Seven Favorite Holiday Songs
(In no particular order)
  1. I'm Dreaming of A White Christmas: Not only is this one of my favorite Holiday songs, it is also one of my most favoritist movies. I love the story, the songs, the dancing and I really love the little ballerinas that perform while they sing this song in the movie. Makes my little heart all warm and fuzzy.
  2. Alvin and the Chimpmunk's Don't Be Late: Who doesn't love this song? Scrooge maybe. LN thinks it is hilarious. Especially when I over exaggerate the hoooola hoooop part. There's just something about those little chipmunks that mean Christmas to me.
  3. O Holy Night: I'm not religious by any stretch of the imagination, but this song has the power to bring tears to my eyes Truth be told I think it has something to do with the sweeping phrasing...but let's not ruin the magic, huh?
  4. The 12 Days of Christmas: I like this song the same way I like 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. It kind of gets annoying after a while, but that's what makes it fun to sing. Plus it tests my memory every year. Eight maids a milking? Twelve drummer's drumming?
  5. Carol of the Bells: It's one of those songs that you don't know the lyrics to unless you've sung it. The arrangement is so interesting to listen to and it's so fast that it's fun to listen to. Plus I've always thought that it sounds like it should be in a horror movie, it's got that creepy edge to it too.
  6. Hallelujah Chorus: My high school choir sang this song every year for the Holiday Concert. They invited the alumni to join the choir on stage. It was great going back the first year or so while my siblings were still in choir. It's a fun song to sing and all four parts have interesting parts to sing. Another song that most people don't know the words to unless they've song it for something.
  7. Little Drummer Boy: If you don't check out any of these links, check out this one. It's Bing Crosby and David Bowie singing it. Not to be missed.

What are you favorite Holiday songs?


  1. "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas", "Jinglle Bell Rock", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "Silent Night", and "The First Noel"


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