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LN and I had a morning at home this morning. Well, first we dropped the Mr. off at work and then went to our PJs. We weren't planning on stopping anywhere, I HATE to leave the house in my PJs, but I needed a last minute thing to finish a project I was working on and it was either go home, get dressed and go out again. OR. Just f-in' stop and pick up what we needed. So we did. Man, did we get some funny looks! I in my red, snowflake PJ bottoms and she in her teal with little birdie footie PJs. Not one of my finer moments.

But I digress.

I was putsin' around the house when I started to think about all the things I'd like to have. I was getting down to the nitty gritty stuff like more money, time, car... No my brain went a little more fantastical, here are the things that I would like to have or see happen. Please, if you have the ability to achieve any of these, this girl would be more than grateful.
  • Martha Stewart reads my blog. I went off on a wonderful daydream where Martha Stewart announced on air that she frequently reads my blog. She thinks it's wonderful! Insightful! Clever! Within the hour I have twenty thousands hits and a book deal or two.Sponsors who want to advertise. Newspaper/magazine/television interviews. Please insert Rachel Ray, the View ladies, Bonnie Hunt or any other daytime talk show celebrity. But I'd prefer Martha.
  • Toys with homing devices. I thought about this for many moments as I ran after the Tiny Toddler Tornado named Little Nib. Toys that know how to go 'home'? Can go from the floor/table/chair to the exact location that they are supposed to be? Brilliant. Let's not focus on the fact that at some point said toys could end up revolting and killing us in our beds. This is my daydream, not a science fiction novel.
  • Self washing clothes. I have wrote at length of my hatred of laundry. Why hasn't someone invented clothes that wash themselves? Or at the very least don't need washing. I pay good money if I never had to venture down to the basement in order to keep my family clean. Well, I'd still wash underwear. Somehow I don't think self-cleaning underwear would take off.
  • Live in Nanny/Personal Shopper/Housekeeper. Just someone to do all of the things that I don't want to do. Like dust. And laundry. Someone who will stay in the house in case of emergency so that the Mr. and I can go out for a drink. Someone to fix dinner when I've forgotten to or don't feel like cooking and will also run to the store when I've inadvertently run out of sugar and want to bake cookies. At midnight. Please remember that money is an issue, so the ideal candidate would work for sloppy toddler kisses, smiles, and the occasional home cooked meal. Shouldn't be too hard to find someone, right?

What/who would you like in your daydreams?


  1. I'm telling you, move to Nigeria and you can have last one Miss Mary! seriously. hope you are all well.

  2. btw, plus, everyone has someone do their laundry here! so check that one off the list too!

  3. If I had the money for an assistant, I would gladly send mine over to you a couple hours each day...unfortunately, I am a little short (only by a few million or so) on the cash to afford something like that.
    As for the rest, if I could invent them and/or make it happen, I would. ; )


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