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Sometimes I think this blog is dangerously close to becoming a self-help site. If you feel the same, please let me know. However, until I here somebody complain, I'm going to continue with my train of thought. And those trains keep coming back to how I want to change my life.

Now, I don't want you to get the impression that I'm unhappy. Quite the contrary. I simply have been evaluating some elements in my life and want to make some changes. Blame it on the season. Maybe it's Spring cleaning on overdrive? Or perhaps it because even bigger changes may be coming down the turnpike. In any case I've decided that since I am an adult, a mother, a wife and much closer to thirty than I have ever been in my life, it's time for me to "grow up".

Not that I'm out until 2am every night and living the night life. (Ha, the thought of me doing that now actually made me laugh out loud. As if I could stay up until 2am and then function with a toddler all day who wakes at 6am.)

What are these changes, you ask? Well, for one thing, I'm keeping my kitchen clean. I'm wiping down the stove and making sure that the sink is clean and the dishes are done.

Not monumental enough for you?

Well, how about getting tough on clutter? I'm trying to eliminate all those piles of "stuff" that are laying around the house.

Still not impressed?

What if I tell you that I'm trying to do more things for myself, that make me happy and give me a sense of accomplishment.

Now maybe we're getting somewhere.

Finally, I'm spending each day looking for the good things, the positive things, the things that make me glad to be living here, now, with this family and in this city.

Are you gagging yet? I'm not perfect, but I'm not going to let my imperfections control me anymore either. I'm lazy by nature, but I can accomplish things when the want is there. I generally have a care-free, "go with the flow" temperament, but I still get stuck in ruts. So simple changes to make my life just a little more clean, streamlined, joyous, and organized. These are the changes I think that I'll be making.

Sigh, I feel better already.


  1. I'm feeling ya, but in order to maintain my laziness I like to take walks on my lunch break and try a different direction or street then I've been before to give my self a sense of accomplishment without working to hard :)

  2. I think it's a fanastic start :) Although I think you're pretty grown up already!

  3. *Gasp* a clean kitchen...*Gasp* Yay! Go Mary! You deserve the time for you and for it to make YOU happy


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