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Good Deeds

I've been think a lot this month about how people interact with each other. Mothers/Children, Husbands/Wives, Friends, Coworkers, Families. All are different kinds of dances that we as humans must learn the steps to. Unfortunately the steps can change without any warning.

Going into the holiday season this year I wanted to be more mindful of my place within all of these situations. I want to be able to waltz from one location to another, stopping to do a two step or jitterbug as necessary. I would like to be able to smooth away the stress/frustration that the holiday season seems to bring to so many. I know that all of the family commitments, financial burdens, over eating and over scheduling makes me cranky. This year I would like to avoid those missteps, those trip-ups and go about spreading cheer and happiness.

Starting yesterday I want to try and do one good deed a day. Something that will help someone, cheer someone or simply make their day go a little smoother. Not a grand gesture, just something that will ease their day. From time to time I may mention what I've done, to give suggestions/ideas. Please, leave a comment and let us know how someone has helped you or what good deeds you have done lately.

Don't we all need help/support now and then?


  1. I completely understand what you are saying, but I want to point out that you already do little things (actually, kind of a big thing). Everytime you host a playdate, you give other mamas a break. You also bake soooo many yummy things! Those are things you do without thinking and it does help others out. ;)

  2. Aww, thank you Lauren! I appreciate you saying that. :)


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