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Merry Christmas?

So I'm back from sunny and warm Portland. What did you all do while I was gone? Did you go over and check out my guest post? You really should, and leave a comment for Michelle over there, she's lovely.

For those of you fortunate enough not to live in the northern regions of the US, we are getting snow. Yes, SNOW...lots of snow for this time of year. Upwards of two to four inches to be exact. Luckily the ground is still warm so the streets/sidewalks will clear themselves and the ground accumulation shouldn't last more than a day, if we're lucky.

Being the hardy, normal Mid-Westerners that we are LN and I decided to run some errands this morning. (Plus I got to wear my brand new boots. They are warm, sturdy, cute and fantastic.) We headed to the grocery store to pick up some tea and a paper and then we headed over to Home Depot. I wanted to get some plastic to put on the porch windows and also get a new snow brush for the car. Snow brushes are one of those thins that we seem to go through once a winter. Every spring we are limping along using a broken snow brush. How do they break? Who knows, but it's good for the snow brush industry! Anyway, so while I was in the snow brush aisle (yes, there is more than one choice, I got the one with a telescoping handle, just in case you wanted to know) I decided to grab a bucket of ice melt too. The BIG bucket. I hate buying that sh*t and every time it gets icy and you need it the stores run out. Don't even get me started on that one, we live in MN, remember? Well I get the nice young man to help me heft it under the cart and we head to the checkout. The cashier is a nice older lady that says that she will call someone up to help me heave the ice melt into the car. Sweet. I love having kids; believe me, that would've never happened if LN wasn't sitting in the cart!

So the nice young guy came up to help us and he was in FULL snow gear. Winter coat, hat, boots, and mittens. Now mind you LN is in a winter coat but no hat/mittens and I have on my boots (because I love them) and a jean jacket. It's only thirty-two degrees people! Anyway, he heads out to our car with us to help unload it. I rush around trying to find a spot big enough in our little yellow Ford Focus that will fit a huge bucket of ice melt. Front seat it is. I get LN out and he grabs the bucket. I'm putting LN in and he throws (literally) the ice melt into the front seat. I shut the door for LN and he says, "Have a good day, Merry Christmas."


I sh*t you not, he said Merry Christmas to me as he was leaving. I think I stared after him for at least a minute. Now I know stores have their Christmas displays out already and it's STARTING to look more like Christmas. But it's not. It's mid-October. Can we remember that for a moment please? Mid-October. I don't want to hear Merry Christmas until at lease, at LEAST December first. Then you can Ho-Ho-Ho all you want.


  1. What a funny guy - NOT!!! Bah humbug and all that. I don't even want to hear the word Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Then I'll start panicking :)

  2. What kind of boots did you get?
    As for Christmas....there are rules: first one must have Halloween and/or El Dia de Muertos, then comes Thanksgiving, then AND ONLY then can we start in on Christmas! No lights, no trees, no gifts (this year I am making an exception on the gifts because of OOT travel and limits from the pregnancy), no Santa, and no Merry anything!

  3. Lauren- I got the Keen Winthrop boots...there's a link in the text. SO great.

    Amy- what's stopping you?

    I am a firm believer that nothing Christmasy gets put up, said or displayed until Dec. 1st. So Bah Humbug indeed!


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